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If you would like to learn more about air quality, find a useful overview for types of air monitoring equipment, Apps, Air Sensor Toolbox, and case studies on the use of these devices in citizen science projects, please use this link.

CITI-SENSE Air Monitors

Sensor platforms Name Contact information Detail Information
Little Environmental Observatory (LEO) Name: Ateknea Solutions E-mail: The LEOs are portable sensor packs. It measures NO, NO2 and O3 using electrochemical sensors. The personal sensors together with the ExpoApp smartphone application from Ateknea Solutions. Documentation, links to video tutorials, PC application download and user guides can be found at Here.
Obeo Radon sensor Name: Bent Morten The Obeo Radon sensor is easy to remotely monitor radon and/or CO2 levels in indoor areas and buildings. The MMA utilises the GSM/GPRS cellular network to relay the sensor data to a central server available from any PC/Mac/Ipad. For more information click this Link.
Environmental Instruments (AQMesh)

Name: Amanda Randle 


  • AQMesh is the commercially available and proven low-cost system for monitoring air quality. The product combines a robust hardware platform with the latest sensor technology and GPRS communication, cloud-based data processing and secure online access. It measures gases NO, NO2, NOx, O3, CO, SO2, particulates PM1, PM2.5, PM10 and TPC and %RH, pod temperature, atmospheric pressure and noise.

For more information, click this Link.


Sensing Tools

Name: Itziar Aspuru Soloaga To monitor and assess environmental quality of public spaces in terms of noise and thermal comfort. A pack consists of:
  • Kestrel 4000 sensor device to monitor temperature, relative humidity
  • Smartphone Nexus and Microphone to monitor thermal and acounstic level
  • CityNoise smartphone android app
  • SENSE-IT-NOW smartphone android app
  • Web portal with results for thermal comfort and noise map
Atmospheric Indoor Static Air monitor

Name: Mike Kellaway


Atmospheric Indoor Static Air monitor combines Alphasense’s low cost and high sensitivity sensors linked with electronics, GPS, GSM and advanced data algorithms. It measures temperature, relative humidity, CO2, NO2, Particles (PM10, PM2.5), Ozone, CO. 

For more information, click this Link.
   Dunavnet Contact information: Dejan Drajic E-mail: ekoNET services are designed to provide a complete end-to-end solution for the environment monitoring following the concepts used within the IoT (Internet of Things) domain. The system comprises all necessary components, namely: measuring device, back-end infrastructure (i.e. cloud server) and client applications (web and mobile). The measuring device can be any chosen, while EB800 and RPi800 devices are available and preconfigured to work with ekoNET platform. For more information, click this Link.

Other Types of Air Monitors

Wearable Enviro-Tracker Mesures Air Quality and More      

AirVisual Node


Existing Apps

 City Air – pollution alerts, low pollution routes and tailored advice for you.

 AirCasting – recording, mapping and sharing health and environmental data.



Plume Air Report – Informs you in real time about the pollution level of your city and how it will evolve in the next hours.



CITI-SENSE CityAir– Allows you to perceive the air quality in your area.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 308524.